I have three years current date and need a five year plan therefore I would need to put eight time serious side by side is that possible or can you include that in the release planning more than two time...
What do I need for a Power-BI account the Valq Certified Module "Plan 1. a Power BI free 2. one Power BI pro 3. only one account with you ?
Can I combine an advanced model (e.g. levels 1-6 are created manually) with a "data supply", e.g. level 7 comes from the chart of accounts and level 8 are the detailed accounts. I have created a "snowflake...
Hallo, you have a good Articel about Dimensional Node's https://valq.com/blogs/dimensional-node-adding-drilldowns-valq-node/ But where in Valq can i define dimensional nodes. In "Edit Node" i only...
Hi, We don't book depreciation during the year, so 0 is also taken care of, if I then trigger a forecasat I can only go to 99% with the slider but that doesn't solve my problem. what is the right solution...