Reputation – FAQ

Reputation - FAQ

What is Reputation?

“Reputation” is our enhanced contributor program that recognizes you each time you contribute to ValQ Community. Think of it as our way of saying thanks for helping us collectively build a better knowledge center for ValQ.

How do I become involved?

It’s easy – anybody who has contributed anything to ValQ Community, starting from registering on the site to asking questions, giving answers or voting, will receive Reputation points.

How do I receive Points?

Every time you contribute to ValQ Community, you receive Reputation points. Here’s a list of what you can contribute, and how much it’s worth.

Reputation EventReputation Points
Ask a Question2
Answer a Question5
Comment on a Question or Answer2
Select an Answer for your Question2
Your Answer gets Selected10
Receive an Upvote2
Do Reputation points have monetary value?

Reputation points do not have monetary value and cannot be redeemed for anything.